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Holy War Discourses, thoughtfully published by Mohr Siebeck out of Tübingen, Germany, is a monograph of my doctoral dissertation. It compares the Qumran War Scroll (1QM) with John’s Apocalypse through the lens of the literary and ideological theme of Holy War.

Breakfast With Yeshua is a year-long devotional that guides you into daily meditations which will help focus your heart and mind on the Lord.

A pair of tiny protagonists square off as opponents in an epic battle over ultimate truths. Tommy is ever faithful and trusting, while Remy is skeptical and analytical to a fault. The twins find themselves rapidly growing within the tight confines of the same womb as they wrestle, debate, fuss, and fight over the most burning existential question of their pre-born lives: Does ‘The Mother’ exist?

This story combines the imaginative thought-life of Rabbi Yechiel Tucazinsky with the apologetic reasoning of Thomas Aquinas.